You need two key types of environments: high stress and high recovery.

In both of these environments – high stress and high recovery – a person is completely absorbed in their space – fully present and alive. 

In stressful environments (work), they’re fully and 100% on. 

In recovery environments (home), they’re completely off. 

Both these environments are enriching, fulfilling, and unfortunately rare.

With your input and direction, RDL creates enriched spaces that are not only structurally beautiful, but are also comfortable, functional, healthy and sustainable, directed by your values and purpose for the desired space.

For work situations (high stress home or commercial offices) we create environments optimised for productivity and creativity, creating positive, confident and motivational conditions that make your success inevitable, thereby making quantum and radical leaps in your development. 

For down time situations (recovery home or leisure) we create and design reset and proactive recovery environments that trigger intense relaxation, rejuvenation, and joy.

In order to become elite at anything, you need to continually shift from highly demanding environments (where you enforce your ideas) to highly restful environments (to enforce deep thought and creativity). 

In both instances, you need to be completely absorbed in each experience. 

While you’re in an enriched environment, your desired behavior is automated and outsourced to your subconscious, meaning, outsourcing your working or short-term memory to your environment. 

You don’t want to have to consciously think about your behaviors and choices anymore. Instead, you want to create environments that organically foster the behavior you want. You want to create environments that either force the best out of you, or allow you to fully recover, reset, and reconnect.

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